Monday, 7 August 2017

Mass Cart/Catalog Price Rule Actions Magento 2

Hi All,

Today we launched our new Magento2 extension Mass Cart/Catalog Price Rule Actions Magento 2

This Magento 2 extension allows store owner to do mass action on catalog and shopping cart rule with mass enable/disable and mass remove actions.

By default Magento 2 doesn't provide an option to perform mass action on catalog and shopping cart price rule. To fulfill this requirement we at Shreeji Infosys creates this extension which allows the store owner to perform bulk shopping cart price rule and bulk catalog price rule action.After Installing this extension, you can easily update the status in mass action you can also perform mass delete operation.

Mass Cart/Catalog Rule Actions Features

  • Mass enable/disable catalog price rule
  • Mass enable/disable shopping cart price rule
  • Mass removes a catalog price rule
  • Mass removes shopping cart price rule
  • Easy Installation and Ready to use
  • Plug & play

Sunday, 6 August 2017

Customer Notification Magento 2


We are happy to announce that, we have launched our brand new extension for Magento 2 and It's name is "Customer Notification Magento 2".
This Magento 2 extension allows you to restrict payment method based on selected shipping 
method selection.

In eCommerce businesses, store owner uses lots of variety to grow their webshop traffic, i.e. Google marketing, SEO, Various communication channels – email, social media, SMS, push notifications and many more. The main reason behind this channels in different kinds of campaigns to reach and engage customers.

To keep in mind this Importance to this point we at Shreeji Infosys developed this Magento 2 extension which add another feature to reach and engage customers with the new notification system. This handy extension allows store owner to send notification, some important message to customer, promotion regarding content to customer, important order update to customers. This extension also sends an email to the customer whenever a new notification generated. By using this extension store owner to get the advantage of getting in touch with customers.

After Installing this extension customer can see new top link in menu with notification count. By clicking on notifying customer can see all notifications regarding to him/her.

Customer Notification Features

  • Very easy to send new notification to customer
  • Can filter limited customer from the customer list
  • Also, set notifications start date and end date
  • Notification will automatically hide after notification expires date
  • The store owner can add graphic content by using the awesome editor
  • Enable/Disable from backend
  • Support email communication
  • Top link label easily change from the configuration
  • Unread notification message displays as a different color
  • Easily change the email template from backend

Customer Approve / Disapprove Magento 2


We are happy to announce that, we have launched our brand new extension for Magento 2 and It's name is "Customer Approve / Disapprove Magento 2".
This Magento 2 extension allows you to restrict payment method based on selected shipping 
method selection.

In eCommerce store, customer account verification is needed because Incorrect customer data entry leads to inaccurate customer analysis, duplicate customer records, and returned mail and much more.eCommerce merchants who prioritize customer data verification which helps to achieve a single customer view,improves customer data management, improve customer data quality etc.

To keep in mind this Importance of this feature we at Shreeji Infosys developed this Magento 2 extension which extends the default customer registration process without affecting the default registration and provides a feature to store owner approve/disapprove every customer who register to the store. It also restricts customers from logging into website without prior approval from the store owner. This handy extension comes with all email notifications (i.e. approve, reject) to customers as well as a store owner.

Customer Approve/Disapprove Features
  • Approve/Reject customers from backend manage customers grid
  • Support approve/reject customers from the grid mass action
  • Can approve/reject customers from individual row action
  • Exclude particular customer group from approve/reject
  • Enable/Disable from backend
  • Email notification of customer registration to store owner as well as customer
  • Email notification for customer when his/her account approval/reject by store owner
  • Email notification for customer when his/her account approval/reject by store owner
  • Separate multiple email recipients for store owner
  • Easily change the email template from backend
  • The store owner can change notification message for rejecting customer from store configuration
  • Auto approve option to approve new customer account on the registration without approval
  • Redirect URL on customer registration